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Kill the Kong - Colossus CD

Kill the Kong - Colossus CD


Kill the Kong COLOSSUS CD

01.Hearts Beat

02. Juggernaut (Wolfpack)

03. Nerve

04. Pitch Black

05. The Antagonist

06. Close to the Bone

07. Map of Wounds

08. Burning in Water, Drowning in Flames

09. Snake Eyes

10. The Hurt Stays

+ Bonustrack, Bring the Heat

+ Bonustrack, Ashes in the Wind


Shipping Sweden:

singel order (1pc): 5 Euro      

Multiorder (1-5pc): 7 Euro      

Big order (over 80 Euro) : free


Shipping International: 

singel order (1pc): 8 Euro      

Multiorder (1-5pc): 9,9 Euro      

Big order (over 99,9 Euro) : free

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